Formerly known as James Lascelles’ Quartet, Talking Spirits present a unique blend of world jazz. These highly respected London based session musicians with a very mixed repertoire have touched audiences wherever they play. The quartet mixes up world music, folk, jazz and Anglo/Caribbean grooves, inspired by influences from all over the world.
The members have honed their skills over the decades, working with Frank Zappa, Joan Armatrading, Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry, L Shankar, Ginger Baker, Jeff Beck, Steve Winwood, Incognito,Van Morrison, Billy Ocean, Mick Taylor, and Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel.
On the 5th of May Talking Spirits release ‘Sistem Connected’, conceived by John McKenzie and James Lascelles with the idea of creating a circular rhythm because we’re all connected. It’s the first single of their upcoming album ‘Hands’, that will be released by Zephyrus Records on the 9th of June.
- LISTEN: go to Biglink
- BUY: go to Bandcamp
- UPCOMING CONCERT: 17/06 Soldiers Field in Roundhay Park, Leeds